For At torneys
How Can I Help You Manage Your Practice?
Are you a solo practitioner or a small firm who'd like to take on more cases, but can't afford a full-time associate with benefits?

If you or your firm can relate to any of the above, I can help. My extensive legal writing and research experience allows me to quickly and accurately draft high-quality documents--fully researched, cited, and formatted correctly for your jurisdiction, even on a short deadline. I can assist with a broad range of legal projects, including:
legal research on any issue
writing demand letters
drafting complaints
drafting the full range of litigation documents
drafting motions and responses
drafting briefs, and memoranda
writing deposition questions…
Are you a firm with with fluctuating work flow? You need more help sometimes, but you can't hire an associate to work only when you need help.
Do you want to start using contract help, but don’t want to pay the high fees for a hiring agency?
Do you want to expand your practice to include employment discrimination, but don't have the background or experience?
Do you need short-term or long-term temporary help for time-consuming cases or projects?
...virtually any legal document or research project you need help with. My resume, my writing samples and my testimonials demonstrate that I have a proven record of excellent performance.
Because my overhead is low, my rates are reasonable and negotiable. I can work either on an hourly or a flat-fee basis. Long-term or short-term. However long you need me.
Give me a call today and tell me what I can do for you.

What I Can Do for You
As an experienced employment discrimination attorney with over 20 years of experience enforcing anti-discrimination statutes at the state and federal level, dealing with federal sector as well as private sector EEO cases, I'm able to quickly and accurately assess any legal problem and find the best argument to help you or your client.
My writing and research skills and my have been honed throughout my career, from my English major in college, to my membership on the Public Interest Law Journal at Boston University, where my Note was published. Also, I have over 8 years of experience drafting Final Agency Decisions (FADs) for federal agencies.
I have significant experience drafting the full range of discovery documents, motions and responses, deposition questions and memoranda.
I'm an effective and efficient researcher, able to find the answer to almost any legal question in a very short time, and craft strong and well-supported legal arguments.

My extensive experience enforcing discrimination statutes as an investigator and adjudicator has given me a unique perspective, which can be valuable in evaluating cases. After years of working as the neutral party, I think like a judge. I'm experienced in looking at issues from all sides, considering all relevant facts and legal arguments, and weighing evidence
As a FAD writer, I act as the fact-finder, making decisions on the merits of federal agency discrimination cases. My experience, both as an investigator and a FAD writer, has trained me to to look at the facts and legal arguments objectively, without the unconscious bias in favor of your client that can come with being an advocate. Because of this, I can assist you in evaluating your case as a fact-finder might.
A creative mindset and strategic thinking abilities are two of my primary strengths. I'm adept at looking at the facts and the law from fresh angles. This allows me to craft compelling legal arguments which can strengthen even weak cases.
In fact, I love the challenge of finding the perfect language to use to support an argument that might not seem obvious at first glance. Several attorneys I have worked with have won motions in difficult cases where the law was against them, based on legal arguments I crafted.